Thrill seekers is a weird little footnote in Lincoln Lore, released in the mid 1970s to cash in on the popularity of daredevils such as "Evel Knievel" the 8" line is a fun little mish mash of toys from other manufacturers.

Thrill Seekers come in large paneled boxes, not unlike Mego's Action Jackson line, which is where some of their gear originated from as well. The racing motrocyclist is vaguely familiar, there is no motorcycle in there. The melting monster font is an odd choice, it does make me think this is the same packaging artist.
Some of the other thrill seeker sets available, if it takes me a life time, I will find them.
A close up of the figure itself reveals it's headsculpt was also resold by a company called Mortoys as Mighty Gary. Hong Kong was a pretty incestuous place back then. The helmets still say "Mego", this hemlet has been spraypainted white and the visor does not work.
Super exciting shot from the back
Close up of the parachutists face, no guessing what era this was sculpted in.
Again we have a recycled Mego helmet, boots and life vest from the Action Jackson series. This was pretty common, once Mego scrapped AJ you can find his parts in generic sets all over the world.
If you collect ThrillSeekers or have some for sale please CONTACT ME