Larami Toys 1981 Catalog

In 1981, Larami was celebrating it's 20th year of bringing low cost licensed "Rack Toys" to children around the world.
This year was no exception with licenses like the DC and Marvel comics Superheroes, Barbie, Fat Albert, Flash Gordon, Dick Tracy, Mighty Mouse and the ever present Popeye, Larami had something for any kid to beg their parents for while they shopped.

While it seems strange to see Barbie getting toys not made by Mattel, she is a brand and why not license her to others?

Larami sold these Superhero Roller Skates for what seemed like years..

While the 1980s saw a huge rise in Incredible Hulk merchandise, it also saw a spike in "Incredibly silly Hulk Merchandise".

If Larami made a toy, you could it with Popeye on it.

Larami clearly though the Robert Altman film would be a goldmine for them.

The Cylon lite writer seems to have been cut from the assortment this year.

Unsold Star Trek the Motion picture items were regulated to the "and the rest" section along with Buck Rogers.

These Dick Tracy items had been regularly offered since the early 1970s.

Mighty Mouse's brief return to television in the late 1970s brought some new merchandise.

Fat Albert has a wrist TV?

If there is one thing I love about Rack Toys, it's the recycling of concepts and ideas, sometimes in the same catalog!
And more Larami here: