1976 Marx Playset Catalog
Marx was always known for their playsets and action figures but in 1976 they were poised to be one of the early entries into the world of 3 3/4" action figures with a series of generic environments. .
Sadly it looks like buyers were indifferent to the concept, so we never got a 3 3/4" Johnny West figure to my knowledge. .

The only photo I can find of the 3 3/4" Marx Cowboy line..
Other companies would end up releasing all of these themes in the 3 3/4" scale by 1977..
While the boxed Marx playset had been a staple of the company for decades, these smaller blister carded sets seemed to be a clever rebranding of the concept with a new cost..
Shelf space seems to be the motivator behind these units, these kinds of playsets are still packaged this way..
Navarone was a staple until the company closed it's doors, then Mego released it briefly..
The prehistoric playset is one of my favourites.
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