Sid and Marty Krofft Halloween Costume Gallery

One of the biggest influences of my childhood were the Saturday morning programs created by the famed Canadian brothers Sid and Marty Krofft. I don't think I was alone judging by the amazing variety of Halloween costumes available almost every year of my childhood.
Thanks to my pal Dave McKroffterson for sharing his amazing and often times obscure collection of Sid and Marty Krofft costumes for this amazing gallery..

Pufnstuf and first release Witchiepoo.

Later Witchiepoo waves- fabric body and then morphed into all vinyl.

“Just got off the Vroom-Broom and can’t do a thing with it” variant. I think this was a prototype that was never released- just tested.

Original conceptual art with handpainted mask. The dayglo look was too extreme so they fitted the test mask with the cut-out flesh-tone and opted to go that route

Two variants of Horatio J Hoo Doo because kids wanted to be Charles Nelson Reilly dammit!

Weenie the Genie from Lidsville and one costume of Joy. There is another variant that came with wings as well as a male Bugaloos costume, neither of which I have yet.

Jay Robinson as Dr. Shrinker and Sigmund.

Bigfoot regular issue, Hairy & Scary version, and adult mask which was sold loose without a costume

Diedre Hall as ElectraWoman.

Pufnstuf costume from 2010 and a contemporary foreign knock-off of the Collegeville Costume Witchiepoo mask

The Sleestak, it shall be mine.

Truck Shackley was the puppet leader of the Texas Critter band on the Krofft produced Mandrell Sisters show, staring Barbara Mandrell.
More Halloween Costumes on PlaidStallions