Chemtoys 1974 Catalog
Chem Toy was one of America's premiere producers of novelties and Rack Toys during the 1960s and 70s..
1974 was a terrific year with a great mix of simple but fun toys and some big names when it came to licensing in '74.

Video games and the internet haven't replaced bubbles and they never will!

Nothing says "Superheroes" more than child's safety scissors...

I am positive all of these toys are still available at your local dollar store.

Another evergreen of the pharmacy toy aisle, the police stuff..

I won't lie, I still regularly buy stuff like this...

"The day the scary creatures took over the world" is the greatest toy name ever.

I could be mistaken but I believe the name ChemToy may have stemmed from the plastic balloons, which I can't believe was safe for us as kids. .

Fun Doh sounds awfully familiar...

The "Land of the Giants" movie viewer seems odd to be still available in 1974, the Groovie Goolies PVCs are amazing..

The 10cents store kind of makes me sad.

Can you still get slingshots for kids these days?

AHI called them Zing Wings, Chemtoy's word for "Frisbee" was Zingers..

Until this moment I had forgotten about putting straws on my spokes.

Another forgotten item, Jax.

Jump rope, ain't nothing wrong with that.

I have one of these carded Pluto sets somewhere.

I love the use of color on these.

I guess Yo-Yo wasn't as protected as Frisbee.

This page was a lot more fun a few months ago..
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