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1970s Captain America Merchandise Gallery
Growing up, one of my favourite Superheroes of all time was Marvel Comic's Sentinel of Lberty, Captain America! Which is totally weird because I'm Canadian but I digress. As a child, the good Captain adorned a ton of merchandise that I sadly don't own. Fortunately, I know one of Cap's biggest fans Tim A (MArvelmania on the Megomuseum message boards) who was gracious enough to share the gems of his collection with us.
The Mego Captain America doll was one of my favourite toys growing up. It's far from accurate but I honestly did not care.
Mego also gave cap some killer wheels! I absolutely love the art on this box.
I have long live affair with Bendy figures and this Bend N Flex Captain America is one of my all time faves..
The Mego 12" Captain America does have a large head but it's not polite to point.
It's unreal to think somebody saved a child's T Shirt but I'm glad they did.
I remember shirts in this style all over the place as a kid, this one seems to have Gil Kane art. In Canada, we even had shirts like this featuring Captain Canuck..
It's unreal to think somebody saved a child's T Shirt but I'm glad they did.
I remember shirts in this style all over the place as a kid, this one seems to have Gil Kane art. In Canada, we even had shirts like this featuring Captain Canuck..
The Captain America "Magic" (What's magic about it?) looks suspiciously like the Planet of the Apes "Monkey Shines" Flash Light featured earlier here.
Our book "Rack Toys: Cheap, Crazed Playthings" features many Captain America toys.
I love 7-11 Superhero cups....
Superhero beach towels are just wonderful but so hard to find in good repair.
Captain America wrist radio was made by Janex.
Mmmm Cap tastes Patriotic.
I'd wear this now.
I love "You keep the glass" stuff like this.
I also want this glass.
Ok, I want them all.
I think the Durham Shield Shooter may be the coolest piece of Cap Merchandise produced EVER.It's also a nice break to see a different piece of stock art like this on the packaging.
Marvel got a lot of mileage out of that stock art, I'm pretty sure this was in the Heroes World Catalogs.
"When Captain America fills you full of lead, all those who chose to oppose him are dead!" Seriously, since when did Cap pack heat?
A snub nose 38 and a little badge with Cap's face on it? I'm dead sure this is a recycled Dick Tracy item..
A Luger? What the #$%& did anybody read a cap comic?.
Captain America Ben Cooper costume, are Doctor Strange, The Thing and Cap teaming up with the Red Skull? I'm confused..
There isn't enough Red Skull merchandise as far as I'm concerned.
Oddly, Ben Cooper didn't make a Captain America Jiggler..
The "Hell-A-Rare" display box for the Ben Cooper Jigglers, kind of an odd assortment.
There isn't enough Red Skull merchandise as far as I'm concerned.
Every colour of the rainbow of Marx Captain America figures.
This Remco Utility belt is kind of a fail to be honest, it loses points for no shield. Nice box however..
A classic from.aladin.
"When wakes the Sleeper" is one of my favourite Cap stories/
Have Cap punch your lights out...
I used to have this Castle films Captain America reel, it was fun to run it through my project back in the day.
I'll let this go because the packaging also features the Falcon but man, Cap looks horrified!.
A close up of the AHI Remote Control Captain America car..
Larami Toys thinks Captain America is a member of ZZ Top..
Hot Wheels made this cool stunt set for Cap, I had no idea.
Marvel comics stand ups made by the fantastic Our Way Studios.
I don't want to know what flavour any of the Marvel Superheroes are thanks...
I can't bring myself to punch the Sentinel of Liberty in the face.
This AHI Captain America parachute figure is easily one of my favourite rack toys of all time.
Hasbro made this awesomesauce set of Spiderman and Cap Richochet racers that one day will be mine.....
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